NCOPS has a well equipped machine room with Tablet Punching Machine, Tablet Coating Machine, Hardness tester, Friability Tester, Capsule Filling Machine, Ampoule sealing machines and Ointment Filling Machine.
The Instrumentation room is equipped with Probe Sonicator, Distillation unit, Tablet Dissolution apparatus, colorimeter, and polarimeter this help the student to gather the basic and applied knowledge in pharmacy.
NCOPS has a vibrant herbal garden, enriched with a 70 variety of medicinal plants. With various biological activities. This serene space provides tranquil environment for recharging and students with hands-on learning about Cultivation, Collection, Process and Storage of Crude Storage. The garden enhances our commitment to sustainability and wellness.
The Animal House at NCOPS, an integral component of the Department of Pharmacology, is meticulously designed for ethical research and education. Its primary function is to house experimental critters, serving as a vital resource for conducting pharmacological studies. Adhering to stringent welfare standards, it provides a controlled environment conducive to research endeavours aimed at advancing pharmaceutical sciences.
The NCOPS museum displays handpicked historical pharmaceutical artifacts and vintage frames, illustrating the evolution of medicine and pharmacy practices over the centuries. This educational resource offers students a unique glimpse into the past, highlighting the advancements and milestones in the field of pharmacy.
NCOPS shares Idea Lab equipped with 3D printers and laser cutting machine. This dynamic space empowers students to transform their innovative ideas into tangible projects, fostering hands-on learning and creativity.